Sunday 28 August 2016

Summer Highlights 2016

What a summer it has been! The temperatures were consistently high and so was the humidity. Our flower and vegetable gardens flourished and are still producing.  Fortunately, the groundhogs will be hibernating soon so there's still a chance for our cabbage and broccoli to produce something. I planted everything from seed (organic) in mid May and have harvested all our peas and beans, lettuce, spinach and radishes from that planting. The cucumbers are forcing me to do some pickling, which I was hoping not to do. The tomatoes are growing and ripening beautifully as are the onions. The squash and zucchini are full of blossoms but I haven't detected any produce other than two zucchinis so far. I must admit that I've truly enjoyed the whole process of planting. tending and harvesting my garden. There is something very soul satisfying about the whole thing. The photos above are of the summer Gardens at Taiga. 

The flower gardens seem to have exploded this year. They are full and lush as they have never been. Each flower in it's season seemed to fill an enormous space. We have purple irises, bright and light pink roses, bright pink, white and red peonies, golden tiger lilies, white and purple alyssum, pansies, petunias, geraniums, begonias, hostas and some flowers that I cannot name nor can anyone else who harbours them. They add so much to the absolute joy produced by the whole assemblage.

The chokecherries were also prolific, black and juicy. We picked approximately 14 quarts that are now fermenting for a late fall wine harvest. Six years ago we went through the bucket to car boy process and never seemed to have time to bottle it. Thinking it might, at the very best. be vinegar and at the very worst be pure poison, I finally went at it in May. I was delightfully shocked as I began suctioning the goop out of the carboy. We have, or rather had, 28 bottles of something more akin to sherry than wine. It is absolutely delicious. It has inspired us to repeat the process but we won't be waiting six years for this wine.

Yesterday we picked about 10 quarts of our wild plums. these were more exposed that most others and so were quite ripe. The bulk of the fruit should be ready in a week. These, too, will fill our wine cellar. Every year I've made cases of jams and jellies and given them to friends and family since we try to limit our sugar intake. However, we do enjoy the occasional glass of wine. Being conscious of the ingredients of anything we ingest is mandatory, and we know exactly what's in our wine. Too bad about the sugar!  The above photo is in the Main Kitchen of Taiga. This property is perfect for those who love entertaining, there is another Kitchen as well, situated on a lower level! 

Call today to view this Rare and unique Home - p (807) 474-3244. 

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