Wednesday 8 July 2015

From wheelchair---to---wilderness---to---WELLNESS


Who would have believed that living as most other people do in an urban centre, could be  responsible for what we now know caused severe overload of the immune system leading to catastrophic physical  collapse. We tend to look for single cures  for illnesses- headache today upset stomach yesterday, extreme sensitivity to light last week, all seemingly minor events, which when we think of them seem to re-occur fairly frequently. Mood changes and disrupted mental alertness often occur at the same time and if we are observant we might recognize that there are connections. WE DID!

Just as the body adds the next dose of heavy metal or radiation to its expanding collection (people working in radioactive environments i.e. x ray,nuclear plants, etc. wear tags which record total exposure to radiation and warn when levels are approaching UNSAFE accumulated levels) we can't see what we are absorbing in our every day world but, our bodies do accumulate and react to the toxins that surround us 24/7. There are more added every day.


Major changes were needed. After unraveling  the puzzle we began an intensive 2 1/2 year search for the ideal environment (location). WE FOUND IT!
HIGH ELEVATION  (above any other sources of pollution)
ISOLATION/INSULATION (but only 30 min. by paved provincial highway to Thunder Bay
                                                       and all the urban amenities of much larger cities)
NATURAL FOREST (thousands of sq.miles of forests and lakes )
SOUL SATISFYING ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE (we think of them as extended family and
                                                                                               their frequent visits show their
                                                                                               acceptance of us)

WE DESIGNED AND BUILT A STRUCTURE THAT IS PART OF THE NATURAL WORLD.  If you view all posts for this blog you will realize that what we are offering is not just a house but, A WAY OF LIFE unlike that which most could hope to aspire to. Healing in all ways.

There is more--------

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