Thursday 30 July 2015


We have had several ‘life-changing’ experiences with animals that have shared their lives and space with us. There is no way to evaluate these experiences except to label them “priceless”.

The following stories are just a few that have stood out over the years. ‘                                         


I can’t remember when or even how we became acquainted with Freddie. I first encountered him at 5 am when our golden retriever mix yipped me awake, a pattern he’d established over the course of a couple of weeks. There was Freddie waiting for our Teddie (honest). Teddie, a recreational barker, was old and quite blind. He exercised this talent consistently whenever outdoors. Still in possession of an exceptional olfactory system, he moved like an anteater, sniffing the ground, tail wagging in pure joy and barking out his early matins. Fortunately, there are no neighbours to object to this canine cacophony.

We became aware that a routine had been established with these two pals. Freddie arrived, Teddie, alerted by the change in air quality, would announce his need to be outdoors. Once he emerged, Freddie would stand on alert and wait for Teddie to sniff his way over to him. When Teddie was 3 feet from him  , Freddie would jump up , make a couple of circles and move to another location, not too far away, but enough to keep Teddie busy for awhile. Eventually Teddie would tire and flop down in the grass to recuperate. Freddie usually moved off to another project.

Once I watched as Teddie eventually found the Fox trail from the driveway and followed it back and down. Disgusted, Freddie followed him, nose to tail all the way down the driveway. Teddie appeared to be completely oblivious to this fact and returned alone sometime later.

Freddie adopted us. He would poke his nose under the car or tractor where Ron was working and stretch out to observe the whole procedure. Or he would curl up close to Ron during his frequent visits, just enjoying the camaraderie. He seemed to love being near us and even jumped up, placing his tiny paws on my hip as I dead-headed petunias. He would stretch out beside the lounger as long as someone was in it.  We never made an attempt to touch him, although the urge was strong.

During the brief time that we tried our hand at running a business, TAIGA VENTURES, we hosted an Easter morning brunch. The tables were all lined up along the floor to ceiling windows so that everyone had the opportunity to enjoy the glorious view. Shortly after everyone was seated, Freddie strolled across the deck in front of the windows, stopping at each table, smiling (honest) and posing for pictures. The customers were delighted. About twenty minutes later he returned bearing a squirrel in his mouth. He repeated his strolling and posing but shook the squirrel vigorously at each group letting us all know that he had his brunch, too.

The highlight of this relationship was close to the last time we saw Freddie. We were both startled by a strange, horrific animal scream from the forest near the house. Believing some creature to be in dreadful pain, we set out at once to discover who was in trouble. As we neared the edge of the forest, Freddie emerged, healthy and intact. That was a relief, but who did he injure? We were asking him that question when he sat between us and entertained us with another vocal display. Our fox was announcing to the world that we were his people and he would not tolerate any nastiness directed towards us. Teddie’s bark was not nearly as chilling as Freddie’s.                                                              Priceless!!

To view this Wilderness, phone Evelyne or Ron, and visit


There are so many things that make living here so very special. There is no way to evaluate the everyday or once in a lifetime gifts that would be difficult or impossible to duplicate.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Thank you to all who are following this blog and also to those who visit occasionaly.

This post  is especially for those who are seriously considering the lifestyle this property offers.

How we choose to live is a very personal decision based on criteria that is of greatest importance to us as individuals. The previous posts give some indication of what we feel are most important to us.

Good health--- a strong immune system supported by a constant flow of natural clean air both indoors and out without the need for mechanical means. Naturally well balanced (without treatment) plentiful water. Privacy without social isolation (we are involved in organizations and events in the city). Our many visitors, friends new and old immediately relax upon entering the property and are reluctant to leave and return to the city. We love to share what we have learned and expose others to the life-enhancing experience of these surroundings.

Absence of beaurocratic interference---we are free to do or build anything we wish here (unorganized township). This is not possible elsewhere. Regulations would prevent this healthy environment from being built.

LOOK at all the posts, visit all the sites noted in the blog and do what so many enthusiastic first time visitors have felt they had to do when they could not describe to others what they saw here--VISIT us.     It will fire your imagination about what is POSSIBLE !

PLEASE, by all means be CREATIVE with offers or proposals---we will listen.

More coming------                                                                                               

Wednesday 8 July 2015

From wheelchair---to---wilderness---to---WELLNESS


Who would have believed that living as most other people do in an urban centre, could be  responsible for what we now know caused severe overload of the immune system leading to catastrophic physical  collapse. We tend to look for single cures  for illnesses- headache today upset stomach yesterday, extreme sensitivity to light last week, all seemingly minor events, which when we think of them seem to re-occur fairly frequently. Mood changes and disrupted mental alertness often occur at the same time and if we are observant we might recognize that there are connections. WE DID!

Just as the body adds the next dose of heavy metal or radiation to its expanding collection (people working in radioactive environments i.e. x ray,nuclear plants, etc. wear tags which record total exposure to radiation and warn when levels are approaching UNSAFE accumulated levels) we can't see what we are absorbing in our every day world but, our bodies do accumulate and react to the toxins that surround us 24/7. There are more added every day.


Major changes were needed. After unraveling  the puzzle we began an intensive 2 1/2 year search for the ideal environment (location). WE FOUND IT!
HIGH ELEVATION  (above any other sources of pollution)
ISOLATION/INSULATION (but only 30 min. by paved provincial highway to Thunder Bay
                                                       and all the urban amenities of much larger cities)
NATURAL FOREST (thousands of sq.miles of forests and lakes )
SOUL SATISFYING ABUNDANCE OF WILDLIFE (we think of them as extended family and
                                                                                               their frequent visits show their
                                                                                               acceptance of us)

WE DESIGNED AND BUILT A STRUCTURE THAT IS PART OF THE NATURAL WORLD.  If you view all posts for this blog you will realize that what we are offering is not just a house but, A WAY OF LIFE unlike that which most could hope to aspire to. Healing in all ways.

There is more--------

Tuesday 7 July 2015


A short history:

A few years ago a family member experienced a catastrophic collapse, characterized by severe weakness, confusion, disorientation, inability to maintain concentration even in short conversations and other complications. Mainstream medicine had no definition, therefore no label to give to it, therefore no viable treatment. We had to research other means to address the issues of this condition.

 We began to make dietary changes ---they helped.
We began to take short  late night walks in wilderness areas far from human habitation---that helped.
We turned off the Television and fluorescent lights---that helped.
We began to notice the smell of plastics (degassing even after months and years )
We began to look at the products assembled with glues and their chemical compounds (they too degassed over time).

There was an obvious connection ---Processed food treated with herbicides,hormones, artificial colour and flavour were not doing the body any good. Clean air walking in wilderness fed the body with oxygen creating more energy for the body. Natural light without the strobing effect of tv computers and fluorescent lights helped lessen disorientation (the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation in an urban environment i.e.outside power lines, radio and tv transmissions  both commercial and private such as remote controls, cellular communications etc. individually may not affect the body but stacked on top of each other probably change how body cells function. Glues and plastics all need a solvent to keep them liquid for use, when the solvent evaporates the chemical components of the glue harden, this can mean exposure to the cells of the body by some pretty powerful stuff. Just out of curiousity, look up polyvinyl acetate or polyvinyl chloride.


There is more ------------that has to deal with the body , mind , spirit and being a true part of nature.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Open House at Taiga Wilderness, July 9th, 2015

You are invited to an Open House at Taiga Wilderness, on Thursday, July 9th. 2015, from 4.30 -7.30 p.m  at 1150 Hwy. 590.  This is a rare opportunity to view and find about this spectacular property.
A place of escape is something we all dream about, a place where we can be one with Nature. This is such a place.

This property is ideally suited for an organization or a multi-family retreat.

For directions or for any other  enquiries, phone Ron or Evelyne at 807-474-3244